Saturday, May 10, 2008

Watercolour Class Art Anyone?

Update (15/05)
Are there any more takers? So far we have only three enthusiasts. Are there any more coming? We need at least 7 more to make it worthy for the artist to teach. The class will be held in the city centre, accessible by major public transport. If you wish to join this Class Art for adults, write to me. Thanks.

Good News.

Over the past three months, this site has been receiving numerous enquiries to hold watercolour classes for beginners, particularly adults who would like to take up watercolour as a hobby.

Because of the interest shown by the enquirers, I have spoken to some artists to see if this was possible, to hold an art class on a weekend so that working adults can find time to join. The class would be informal, of course. Not many were keen unless some form of compensation for their time is offered. Otherwise, they, being professionals, would be better off painting.

As such, it is proposed students pay a nominal fee of say RM80 a month for a three-month course. The class is held on Saturdays from say 10am to 2pm and students are taught the basics and the classes conducted outdoors at a venue of the artist's choosing, painting live subjects. This will be a good way to learn watercolour art as it should be.

Well, after much persuasion, one artist, a prominent watercolourist, has agreed to teach watercolour painting. The tentative target month is July and only if there are enough participants.

If you want to pick up watercolour, let me know. Post your comment below. I will see the response before approaching the artist again. Tell me your thoughts and suggestions as to the fee, time or venue in the comment below. You may also write to me via email at

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