Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Journey

This piece of painting was completed last night. Not a very big one, just 10in by 7in. It is done on 140lb Langton watercolour paper made by Daler Rowney.

The scenery shows a snowing mountain with storm approaching (or abating, depends on how you look at it) and four climbers making their way up (or down?) the cold terrain. The slant in the atmospheric skies mark strong winds familiar to climbers and the muted sunlight from right casts shadows on the white landscape. A cottage can be seen at left.

This painting is intended for a friend and former whom I am going to see this afternoon. I had intended to paint her a painting when she quit but never got to it because the idea was not there, then. Last night, it suddenly dawned upon me that it has been such a long while since we parted company in life's journey and while browsing through a book, I stumbled a similar scenery and hence this 'imaginative' piece.

We all go through life's journey somewhat similar to that of mountain climbers. Just when you think you have conquered one mountain, there is another to challenge you. Every day is a changing landscape and every step forward may not guarantee us the golden chalice we are looking for. But we have to plod on, step after step, painful or not, towards our goals in life, and hopefuly, we learn something about our journey in that station of life before another one begins.

1 comment:

noble house hotels malaysia said...

hi swee,

I love the wash used. good subject matter with wonderful message.
well done.
