Saturday, October 04, 2008

Outdoor Sketches

I was told that if you want to improve your art, you have to learn to sketch and draw and do these outdoor. This advice came many years ago when I was learning under Master Tang Tuck Kan. I have still not forgotten it and have, as much as I can, try to sketch.

I am not saying that this is the right way, but if you want to improve your understanding of your subject, the atmosphere it is in, and especially mastering the values that will make your art more alive, you need to do outdoor sketches. Lots of it.

Of course, some beginning artists may disagree and I am not saying that this is the only way. For me, it is the best way. This is because sometimes you may not have the time to do a full painting and sketching do help a lot in keeping you in touch with your drawing and painting skills. Sketching allow you to exercise and hone your drawing skills. With good drawing skills, you paint better too.

What do you use to sketch?

Well, you can use pens or graphite pencils, or even watercolours. I prefer graphite pencils because they are easier to handle. I use watersoluble ones such as Derwent's which work well even without using water. If I need a wash, I just brush on with clear water. It's that simple. This brand also does not smudge easily.


aminsaim said...

Agree,lots of young artist nowdays confine themselve in a studio and never do any plein air drawing or sketching..I use small palette watercolour and water brush and never leave home without it..

Azmi Murad Alias said...

as a plein air myself I couldnt agree more with you.It is such an artistic experience for artists who have the courage and gut to face their subjects directly and standing there, beeing there with their subject and communicate visually and feel what the subjects felt. those who dare have the courage of an artist.